Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boomerang Express

VBC recruiting has begun! If you served last year and know already where you would like to serve this year, please reply to this post and let me know. If you did not serve last year and are interested in knowing about the positions, let me know and I will give you all the information you could ever want! I appreciate your help in this! Reply and save me a few phone calls because, trust me, I will be calling you!



  1. Ashley King and I call dibs on music! (Ashley, I'm not giving you a choice - you have to be my music buddy again this year!)

    Mistie Thompson

  2. Hey Vicki, you cool blogger you... :) Like I said, just to remind you, I'm happy to be a TEACHER again this year like I've done the past few years, or really I'm glad to do whatever... if you want me to do the games/activities - I used to run a kids camp - so that wouldn't be too much of a stretch. Just lemme know.
    - Jason Mirikitani (, 314-600-5856)

  3. Hi Vicki! I was really blessed by helping do the prayer room last year, and would LOVE to do it again if we are having it!

  4. Vicki,
    Diane Gilbert and I have anchored the preschool wing for years but unfortunately my parents have booked our family vacation during this period of time and I will be unable to help out. I have already let Diane know and she is on the lookout for someone to help her head this up...Sorry..Cathy Lampley
